Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 1

Its been a hectic day in a weird sense. We packed up almost everything to the hilt and ransacked the refrigerator before we left, got the bicycles inside in the house, etc., etc. etc.
We then went and picked my brother up from the railway station and went to my grandmom’s place where we basically removed all that we had packed to try and get my brother’s new bag ready. It was a major pain, I tell you! Trying to fit all his stuff and the food that my grandmom and aunt gave for my uncle in the US! Mom actually went back home to get another bag. It was only when the car we had arranged was honking at our doorstep that we somehow managed to get all things together in some bag or the other.
The question now remains whether we will be able to take all those bags with us everywhere without a trolley. You need to pay for a trolley in the airports in the US, so obviously, we’re on our own here.
The journey from Pune to Mumbai via the expressway was scary. Our hired driver refused to driver at anything less than a 100 km an hour and his speed would increase and every turn! Wonder where he learnt his driving! Instead of looking forward to a wonderful trip, away from all the matters pushing me down here, I was wondering whether I would be reaching the airport in one piece!
To make matters worse, our driver took a wrong turn to drive into the heart of Chembur and expose me to the one thing I dread in Mumbai. The Air. A small space and that air just manages to reach me and give me that haunting feeling of sickeningly sticky skin. We did get out of it all and reached the airport well in time. It was energizing to look at that place, and the board of “ Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai”.
We’ve got our immigration and the security check done. Surprisingly we were asked questions during the initial security check, about our stay and our plans. That’s a first. This has never happened before, not even to mom who’s travelled so much more than we have. But we’ve got past it all, and are now sitting at the gate waiting for our flight. It is at one and we’ve got way too much time to kill. Just a matter of hours before I leave these shores, and I can’t contain my excitement about it. Bon voyage!!